Mental Health Services
I offer individual evidence-based therapy for teens, adults, and military veterans
Comprehensive DBT (Stage 1):
Individual DBT, DBT skills group, Phone Coaching, Consultation Team
Dr. Reinhardt is a Linehan Board Certified DBT Therapist.
The primary focus is helping clients build lives that they experience as worth living. Suitable for an array of mental health difficulties, including Borderline Personality Disorder, Complex PTSD, and difficulties with suicidality and self-harm. This service is currently limited to people 18 and older.
DBT Skills group only:
Weekly DBT skills group for 24 weeks, Thursdays 12-1:30pm.
Clients interested in this service must be working with a health professional who is able and willing to help the client with any suicidality, self-harm or urges to harm others. Clients must commit for the entire 24 week group.
Trauma-focused therapies are:
Prolonged Exposure therapy, Cognitive Processing Therapy, and Stage 2 DBT
The primary focus is decreasing trauma-related symptoms.
Therapies for other psychological challenges are:
CBT and Stage 3 DBT
The primary focus is decreasing psychological distress related to emotions, thoughts, and behaviours.
As related to your situation, I consider these experiences through a trauma-informed lens.
Trauma-focused therapy descriptions:
Prolonged Exposure Therapy (PE):
This therapy helps you learn how to live and effectively cope with your trauma memories, emotions and thoughts
so that those experiences no longer control your life. PE generally lasts for 12-16 sessions.
Through exposure techniques, you would learn at least three key things:
Your trauma happened in the past (even though your brain sometimes makes you think it is happening now).
Your strong emotions sometimes get less intense as you practice staying with and not avoiding them.
When your emotions stay strong, you can learn to handle them even better and live a fulfilling life anyway.
Cognitive Processing Therapy (CPT):
This therapy helps us pinpoint which of your trauma-related thoughts are helping you and which are holding you back. CPT generally lasts for 12-16 sessions. I would teach you cognitive therapy strategies to help change the thoughts that are keeping you stuck with your trauma-related symptoms.
Stage 2 DBT:
We would engage with either PE or CPT within a DBT framework to specifically target decreasing trauma-related symptoms, while also juggling other challenges that pop up (like suicide thoughts and self-harm, or other problematic behaviours). A DBT framework focuses on reinforcing the use of DBT skills to help you learn to accept and change certain emotions, thoughts, and behaviours.
Phone coaching is included, and I am on a DBT consultation team.
As needed, I would provide you with DBT skills refresher sessions.
Stage 2 DBT typically lasts between 6 months to 1 year.
Please note: In order to engage in Stage 2 DBT, you must have already completed Stage 1 DBT. This includes that you graduated from a 6-month skills group, had individual Stage 1 DBT therapy for at least 6-months, were eligible to receive phone coaching for at least 6 months, and that your therapist was on a DBT consultation team for the 6 month period that you were their client. You can have engaged in Stage 1 with Dr. Reinhardt or another treatment team.
Descriptions of therapies for a variety of psychological challenges:
This style of Cognitive Behaviour Therapy helps you learn about the interrelation of emotions, thoughts, and behaviours within your own unique culture, values, and goals for therapy. The style of CBT that I practice (technically called third-wave CBT) typically involves mindfulness strategies, though that is not required. We would work together to help you move between accepting and changing your emotions, thoughts, and behaviours. We would agree on a set of treatment goals, I would propose a treatment plan, and we would agree on a length of treatment.
Given the evidence for this style of therapy, I think in terms of treatment chunks of 3-6 months.
Stage 3 DBT:
Within a DBT framework of acceptance and change, we would use DBT skills and evidence-based therapy strategies to specifically target emotions, thoughts and behaviours that decrease your overall quality of life. This could include symptoms of depression, isolation, social anxiety, relationship distress; behaviours like not being able to get to school, spend time with friends, lashing out in anger at people; thoughts like "I'm disgusting", "Everyone is out to get me", "I'll always be alone", "It's my fault".
Stage 3 DBT typically lasts between 3 months to 1 year.
As needed, I would provide you with DBT skills refresher sessions.
Please note: In order to engage in Stage 3 DBT, you must have already completed Stage 1 & Stage 2 DBT with Dr. Reinhardt or another qualified mental health provider.
I offer supervision services for Supervised Practice candidates in Ontario, doctoral-level clinical psychology trainees, and medical residents in Ontario.
I offer comprehensive psychodiagnostic assessment services to teens and adults. Assessments typically span 4 separate sessions. During the first 3 sessions, I use a combination of structured interviews (like the SCID-5 for DSM-5 Disorders and the Clinician Administered PTSD Scale), psychological assessment measures (like the PTSD Checklist for DSM-5 for traumatic stress symptoms and the PHQ-9 for depressive symptoms), and semi-structured interview questions for your particular psychological challenges. Following the assessment sessions, I write up a comprehensive integrated report.
For the final session, we would review the report together prior to my finalizing the results.